Front & Center - Information and Events from the Georgia International Convention Center

How to Combat the 3 Scariest Things About Planning Events

Event planning can be a lot like maneuvering through a haunted house. There’s usually some level of anxiety involved initially, and often times you’re not quite sure what you’re walking into. Just like those creepy goblins and zombies that pop up from nowhere, event planning has its scaries. Unlike a haunted house, there are ways to predict what those scaries might be, prepare and play it off like the professional you are.


Boo! No, it’s not a ghoulish goblin. It’s your budget. Scared yet? Take it easy, there are a few simple tips and tricks to make the most of even the smallest (scariest) budgets. Haven’t you heard that less is more? Minimalism is a popular trend, so take advantage of that when planning your theme and décor. Channel your inner millennial and go digital to save on printing costs. Don’t be afraid to negotiate with vendors. Most importantly, location is everything.


Forget Beetlejuice, it’s location, location, location! You want a destination that will excite your attendees, and you need reasonably priced accommodations, airfare and meeting venues. Did you know the GICC is Georgia's second largest convention center? Because it’s the world's only convention center directly connected to a major airport, it offers you and your attendees unprecedented convenience. Plus, your guests will have access to limitless attractions and entertainment throughout the city of Atlanta. As if that’s not enough, the GICC is within a two-mile radius of more than 8,000 hotel rooms, giving you both value and flexibility.


The theme at any good haunted house involves chainsaws and zombies, but we can get a little more creative than that when planning corporate events. There’s a lot to consider. Build your theme around your attendees. What are their interests and needs? “Cater” to them in more ways than one. Secondly, incorporate your meeting’s location. Think about leveraging local trends from the destination to help shape the theme, food + beverage and offsite activities. Finally, seasonality. What’s trending? Are your attendees in the holiday spirit or are they ready for a summer vacation? Elevate feelings of nostalgia and excitement with a timely theme.

Adrenaline pumping yet? You’ve got this. Ready, go! For more tips on how to navigate your way through the event planning scaries, follow us at @TheGICC.