Front & Center - Information and Events from the Georgia International Convention Center

How To Make Your Event Greener

There are obvious benefits to becoming a pro-green event planner. Aside from great PR for you and the organizations you represent, there's the saving the world perk that is sure to give you the warm and fuzzies. Interested in going green at your next event? Great! But how? Here are a few simple tips and tricks to consider while planning.

Who and Where

First, create a "green team" amongst your staff who can analyze existing processes and research cost effective approaches to becoming more eco-friendly. Going green can be as easy as the venue you select. Host your event at an environmentally aware hotel or conference center (The GICC will soon be officially LEED-certified!). Many hotels and resorts have special certifications that can be easily identified during the research phase. During initial outreach and negotiations, identify venues that will work with you to streamline the recycling process (i.e. an in-house recycling program). Ideally, the venue should be centrally located to minimize transportation from one event to the next.

Reduce Paper Usage

This is an easy one. Reduce the amount of paper you're using. Move towards digital registrations, check-ins and follow-ups. Launch an email and/or social media campaign to raise awareness of your event and engage with potential attendees without a heavy printed presence.

Donate Leftover Food

Plan to serve your food buffet-style, so the leftovers don't go to waste. Team up with a nearby nonprofit who will asset with the pick up and delivery of food. Before you donate, be sure to reference local ordinances regarding food safety and liability.

What are your green event tips?
Tweet your best recommendations to us at @TheGICC.