Front & Center - Information and Events from the Georgia International Convention Center

3 Tips to Make Any Event Run Smoother

There’s no doubt about it – planning an event is a stressful gig. From the RSVP list down to the napkins, it requires serious organization skills and constant attention to detail. Here are three tips to help you manage planning and ensure a successful event.

  1. Start Early

    In order to nail down your ideal date, venue and top speakers, start planning four to five months in advance (if not sooner). Have your heart set on the shiny new hotel ballroom? Chances are others do as well, so beat them to the punch. The more you can accomplish early on, the better your event will be in the long run. Not to mention your sanity.

  2. Use Social Media

    Social media provides endless opportunities to spread the word about your event to a highly targeted audience. Create a Facebook event and event hashtag. Set aside a budget to promote posts across platforms. Create a custom geofilter on Snapchat. Remember to stay relevant and consistently provide updates on each channel. Additionally, be sure to monitor conversations surrounding your event and engage when relevant.

  3. Schedule a Final Venue Walk-Through

    A week before the event walk through the entire schedule, from set-up to break down. This is your chance to get all of the kinks and last-minute details out of the way before the big day. Compile a checklist of everyone’s responsibilities to triple check those involved are on the same page. Test microphones, projectors and Wi-Fi. Meet with the caterers and go over the menu. Even schedule a meeting with the speakers to ensure they know the flow of events.

Can’t do it alone? We provide full service help for your event! Just tweet us at @TheGICC.