Front & Center - Information and Events from the Georgia International Convention Center

Preparing Your Event for Multi-Generational Attendees

Today’s workforce is a multigenerational mix, and it’s vital to consider the variety of interests and learning styles they possess in order to engage them at your next event. How can you leverage both traditional and modern tools and technologies to plan a compelling event for all ages? Here are a few tips:

Get Serious About Social Media

In a world of unopened emails, traditional approaches to communication can only take your message so far. Social media platforms allow you to create compelling, highly visual content that can be customized by platform and targeted to specific segments of your audience. Simple research can provide insight into where your audience is most active. Keep in mind; your millennial audience might be most active on Instagram, while baby boomers might spend more time on LinkedIn. Not only can you use these tools to promote your event, but you’ll also be able to directly communicate with your attendees to learn more about what they find most compelling.

Let Technology Make Life Easier

Digital natives will find your event to be much more efficient with the addition of a few simple tools. Consider incorporating digital registration and check-ins, charging stations and ensure you have a strong, reliable WiFi connection. Make your presentations dynamic, visual and interactive, allowing attendees to engage instantaneously and provide real-time feedback via texts or social media.

Don’t Forget Your Existing Audience

Every planner wants to know what it takes to attract Millennials, but it’s important to keep your existing audience in mind. Don’t assume that older generations are opposed to technology, but make adjustments as necessary. Make sure your presentations have alternatives for those uninterested in the extremely interactive approach while also encouraging (and making it easy) for Baby Boomers and beyond to break out of their comfort zones. Again, the real-time feedback will be very handy.

How did you make your event relevant for all ages? Tweet us your tips at @TheGICC.